ENTRY POINT(S)? – Week 9

“The more points of entry to a story the more points of engagement with the audience”

Blockbuster hits like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games all have one major thing in common. They each have multiple entry points whether it is, novels, films, merchandise or music.

The fact is, the way these Blockbuster hits obtain such a vast audience is that they allow them to enter their worlds by using different mediums.

This week I used my remediation to show how Twilight engaged with different fans using different entry points.

Twilight Meme 2The novel written by Stephanie Meyer brought in fans that enjoy reading and that is how they engaged.

However my meme shows how I was attracted to the Twilight Saga. I love films and without the film I don’t think I would have been as obsessed as I was.

Film was the perfect medium for me and many others and that it how I engaged with the Twilight Story.

How do you engage with stories? Do you have a preference to how? Let me know in the comments!



One thought on “ENTRY POINT(S)? – Week 9

  1. Chris Spyrou says:

    I never thought about transmedia stories actually existing across other platforms of a non-digital nature, so I find it really insightful that you made that connection between film, book and users in your mediation. My only recommendation would be to include some sources supporting what you’re writing about, I found this article that might be able to help: http://twilightgirlportland.com/using-transmedia-for-twilight-and-now-fifty-shades-of-grey/. It dives into transmedia in relation to film and books and how it perfectly relates to twilight.


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