The fact is as humans we unintentionally and intentionally frames everything we do.

Whether it be on social media or in person we specifically frame the way we want to viewed by different people.

This week I decided I would create a Youtube video that showed how video and film can be framed to present a certain picture.

The frame is always deliberate in order to a appeal to a certain group of people.

I decided that I would trial run a little trailer for my D.A project “The Migrant Diaries”.

For my Digital Artefect I have to make sure I frame the content I put out specifically.  It has to be Kina of nostalgic, thoughtful but also inspirational.

I am not sure if I really achieved that, but it’s a work in progress.

Without the frame AKA the music, the edit and speed the picture would be entirely different.







ENTRY POINT(S)? – Week 9

“The more points of entry to a story the more points of engagement with the audience”

Blockbuster hits like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games all have one major thing in common. They each have multiple entry points whether it is, novels, films, merchandise or music.

The fact is, the way these Blockbuster hits obtain such a vast audience is that they allow them to enter their worlds by using different mediums.

This week I used my remediation to show how Twilight engaged with different fans using different entry points.

Twilight Meme 2The novel written by Stephanie Meyer brought in fans that enjoy reading and that is how they engaged.

However my meme shows how I was attracted to the Twilight Saga. I love films and without the film I don’t think I would have been as obsessed as I was.

Film was the perfect medium for me and many others and that it how I engaged with the Twilight Story.

How do you engage with stories? Do you have a preference to how? Let me know in the comments!




We have all become familiar with that great big N, and what it stands for.Which turns out to be more than just sitting on a couch with a blanket and a million Woolworth’s snacks at your complete disposal waiting for that 15 seconds timer to be up so you can continue watching your favourite series.

Netflix Australia was only launched in March 2018, which is less than five years ago but already the app has dominated almost every household in Australia.

Netflix has challenged the whole Television structure, with no commercial advertisements and releasing a whole season at once, viewers have been exposed to a whole new world of TV and Film watching.

But even then Netflix Australia is still constricted by certain legal laws like copyright and  which companies can distribute certain shows at specific times.

For this post I decided to collaborate with Shayla also known as We recorded a podcast that explained our first word frustrations about Netflix, copyright and the internet.

(here’s a link to her week 8 blog post, you should check it out!)

Why our first world problem with Netflix is a problem.

It’s a little rough around the edges but if you don’t mind listening to us have a conversation about a problem that we know probably isn’t the worst thing in the grand scheme of things, click that link below!







Gatekeepers. We have been around since the beginning of media. Whether it be through books, journals or film gatekeepers have been the force that filters the information consumers receive.

In the past it has been that us as the ‘gatekeepers’   have had the ability to control the way we share our information with the public.

However things have drastically changed,  the opportunity to distribute information has spread like a virus and thus gatekeeping is not what it once was. Live streaming on apps like Instagram, Twitch and Facebook means that viewers consume media that is often unscripted and or unpredictable.


My remediation this week is a giphy. I thought it would be interesting to depict how open the gates really are and how they don’t seem to be closing anytime soon. While gatekeepers attempt to control information it has become virtually impossible to do so. My remediation shows how the overflow and easy accessibility of media platforms has essentially broken the gatekeeping structure.


Let me know what you think!




It seems  that the lack of trust in the media and the press  is only growing. With social media ordinary people have been given the platform to report news and spread information whether true or not. Additionally as competition between news platform grows it  has created room for news outlets to be more concerned about gaining publicity that reporting facts and the truth. This week in a discussion with some of my friends we started talking about how does one distinguish between fake or real news and if you can how do you do that? The days followed and we continually tagged each other in memes that adressed the problem of fake news and of-course they were heavily influenced by the man himself Donald Trump.

After some inspiration I decided to use a number of different meme templates as different perspectives on fake news. They all she one similar theme, the idea that the fake news epidemic is only spreading and it seems that we as a society do not have much control over it.

I decided to use these remediation’s to convey that it is getting harder to tell the difference between authentic and fake news.  However, it seems consumers are now catching on and are trying to be more critical of the news watch and listen to. Although it has came at a price it is arguable that fake news has encourage people, myself included to be more judgmental of the information they are given rather than trusting blindly.


In doing so we are encouraged to think for ourselves and  to make more varied judgments on the news we consume.






Only last week did I venture into the world of Giphy create and let me tell you I did not regret it. I knew that anyone who was lucky enough to have 24-hour access to the internet had all the resources in the world to create any form of digital craft, but I did not realise how easy it was.


I pride my self in being an avid Gif sharer. I love Gifs because I love memes and who doesn’t love a moving meme, am I right? But I had always just been a bystander one who watched from the sidelines. I laughed at the gif, tagged someone and simply moved on. I had no idea how easy it could be to simple create one myself.

This week I embraced all that was Gif making and I must admit I don’t think I am every going back.

This week I created a couple remediation’s that represented the journey I took to finalise my D.A. They are both simple pictures and videos I found online and decided to remix to fit my situation.

Gifs are great examples of how you can recycle any image or video online and customise for your pleasure or convenience. My Gifs are great examples of how you can this and how the process of digital craft is ongoing. After all nothing is ever really ‘done’ on the internet.

It is amazing to see how digital craft is never complete and once we let it out on the big web there is always the possibility that someone out there will be inspired to continue your work.




Old Bay to Salt Bae – The Medium is The Message – Week 3

Think of a Medium – any medium at all, lets use Facebook. Now imagine Facebook as seasoning for a particular meal or for a message. We know that any amount of seasoning, be it small or large has the power to change the taste of a meal. For example the meal (AKA the message) might taste better or worse depending on which seasoning (AKA medium) you use.

The internet is one big black hole of different mediums conveying different messages. The way a chef seasons a dish can invoke certain responses from a customer just like how a media platform can affect the way we receive or respond to the messages we view daily on the web


We respond to messages based of the medium or platform that the message is received.  Now if you don’t remember anything from the metaphor I just created remember this:

  • Every meal requires a different seasoning OR
  • Every message requires a different Medium

